We all have muscle dysfunction, some more than others. It is a primary cause and/or contributor to most musculoskeletal symptoms and complaints. If you are looking for a solution for your bodily aches, pains, muscle tightness, and other symptoms, then you MUST understand muscle dysfunction and what creates pain to begin with. Pain itself literally is an interpretation and experience created and located in the brain! The brain receives and processes information (input) from the many nerve receptors and systems in the body. The brain sends out command signals to the body (output) based on the stimulus (input) it receives and interprets. If the brain receives intense signals from receptors or can’t understand the input, it reacts and causes muscle & other bodily dysfunctions. The nervous system reacts by creating either muscle inhibition (inability to sustain contraction and do its job) or muscle hypertonicity (tightness/ won’t let go when it’s supposed to).
Pain and muscle dysfunction come from two sources, HARDWARE and SOFTWARE problems. Hardware is the structures and tissues of the body, ex; tendon, ligament, bone. Software is the nervous systems communication, processing, and reaction system. Orthopedic injuries and degenerative changes (ex: osteoarthritis or tissue damage) cause inflammation and nerve receptor hypersensitivity, which causes pain and muscle dysfunction until the primary healing occurs or inflammation subsides. Muscle dysfunction and pain caused by software problems however, is the result of the brain either misinterpreting, not understanding specific sensory information, or reacting to subconscious and energetic issues. These software errors make the brain respond in a similar manner as if there was a hardware problem. Unfortunately, software problems and the muscle dysfunction they create can remain in your body for years if not decades until properly corrected.
It’s Essential To Correct!
Software errors/muscle dysfunctions are created when the central nervous system is overloaded beyond its tolerance level or processing ability. Emotional, chemical, physical traumas and triggers are the primary causes of the software errors in our bodies. Software errors occur in the autonomic nervous system and are therefore involuntary and out of our conscious control. We all accumulate software errors/dysfunction over the course of our lives. Symptoms occur and become more frequent and constant when the body has accumulated so much muscle dysfunction that it can’t compensate anymore.
Muscle dysfunction is essential to eliminate as much as possible for the following reasons;
1. Muscle inhibition creates joint instability, improper biomechanics and movement patterns.
2. Muscle inhibition forces other muscles to become hypertonic and compensate and/or tighten for protection. This creates chronic tightness, guarding, lack of range of motion, and further stress on joint, muscle, tendon, and other tissues.
3. Muscle dysfunction causes loss of balance, coordination, strength, power, endurance, agility, proper posture, and performance.
4. Makes you more prone to injury.
5. It creates trigger/ tender points, and joint imbalances.
6. It can create nerve entrapment and impingement syndromes.
7. Resistance training of any kind with muscle dysfunction will make you better at compensating but will not correct the underlying dysfunctions.
Beyond muscle dysfunction, software errors can also create organ/gland imbalances and many other bodily problems. If these software errors/muscle dysfunctions are not corrected, all other physical and manual therapies will not work as well or results may be temporary. Most other therapies reduce symptoms and dysfunction but DO NOT completely clear these software errors out of the nervous system. In other words, the dysfunction is turned down for a while but not actually cleared! And the same goes for exercises, stretching, foam rolling, massage tools, taping etc.
The Neuromuscular Restoration System (NRS) is the most comprehensive, progressive, efficient, and affordable option to completely clear all software based dysfunction from your body. This creates a functional foundation to build upon. The NRS also addresses common hardware factors and the dysfunction they create as well. So are you going to hold on to and keep all of your dysfunction or do something about it? Read below about this cutting edge therapeutic process.
*If your pain or symptoms are coming entirely from a hardware source that can't be corrected by manual therapies, then you may need to consult a physician and may need imagery or other diagnostics.
The Neuromuscular Restoration System
"This is the missing link to all other manual therapies!"

The Neuromuscular Restoration System (NRS) is the culmination of over 20 years of education in the manual therapy and bodywork field. It’s the fusion of current functional neurology, the integration of the most advanced and up to date methods, and alternative concepts in the manual therapy world. It’s unlike anything you have ever experienced Simply put, the NRS is a neuromuscular dysfunction clearing system and process. The NRS is for anyone who wants spend their time and energy assessing and clearing the underlying causes of their dysfunction and complaints rather than just managing them over and over again. This cutting edge therapy completely clears dysfunction at its source, at the nervous system, subconscious mind, and Energy System level. Most other manual therapy techniques only temporarily reduce dysfunction just like cutting a weed at its stem instead of digging out the entire root system. We all know what happens when we just trim a weed instead of taking the time to really deal with it properly.
Muscle dysfunction can come from anything in your body which is why the NRS addresses all bodily systems such as:
Cranial Sacral System.
Cranial Nerves/Brain Nuclei.
18 types of sensory receptors.
Organ, Glands, Gastro Intestinal, and Digestive Valves.
Energy Systems such as Meridians, Chakras, EMF, and Energy
Equilibrium Reflex centers.
Subconsciously stored traumatic experiences, emotions, and beliefs that hold excessive energetic and emotional charge.
Connective tissue/fascial restrictions and trigger points.
Structural joint imbalances.
The NRS is a multi-session process that systematically clears all software and some hardware based dysfunctions. The clients subconscious mind and nervous system are used for assessment and correction. Once all of the software dysfunctions are cleared, then soft tissue release, movements, active stretching, and exercise can be administered. These common modalities will now be far more beneficial and effective after going through the NRS. As life goes on, new dysfunction will be acquired, but can be easily maintained after going through this initial process. The NRS is an absolute must for athletes and active people. Your muscles are the first line of defense for your joints and are obviously critical for any/all activity and performance. If you’re an active person at any level and want to ensure that you have a highly functioning neuromuscular system that can handle the stress that you’re putting on your body, then the NRS is a must! Otherwise this neuromuscular dysfunction, that you surely do have, will slowly or quickly break you down depending on how hard you use your body. Even if you don’t currently have any major bodily complaints, don’t wait until you do before you go through this therapeutic process. With restored communication and function comes increased performance, decreased or pain elimination, and less chance of injuries. It’s a no brainer, and no pun intended.
This work must be experienced to understand it. All you need is an open mind, a little patience, and the motivation to improve upon your current state of overall being. This game changing therapy works 100% of the time on 100% of the people who receive it. This does not mean that all symptoms can be eliminated however. Pain and symptoms completely depend on the source, which can come from a structural orthopedic, autoimmune, infectious, toxicity, or other factors. If present, these other mentioned factors may require care from other health care professionals. Call me to discuss your issues and goals and we can determine how beneficial the NRS may be for your complaints.